Saturday, May 14, 2005

Model Successful People to Leap Forward in your Success

I’ve been learning a lot of new skills lately and there is one thing that I’ve realized. I learn by watching people “do their thing.” Now a lot of people might learn from books, or listening to instructions, or maybe they can break down all the steps in their head if they see the end result. Not me, I have to watch and model someone else’s behavior.

Last week my friend Liora and I went to salsa lessons. Now Liora is a seasoned salsa dancer and I’m on my second lesson. The room is jam-packed (probably 50 people) and our instructor is about 5 feet tall with no microphone. As we partner up with someone to practice the steps, I’m realizing that I get through the first couple of moves OK but there is a complicated turn that I completely blow each time. So time and again my partner tries to lead me through the turn and each time I lose my footing.

I finally took a time out to watch the female instructor – so I could model her foot steps. I watched where she placed her feet, how her body was positioned with her partner, and the timing of each step as she moved through the turn. As I practiced the turn again – voila! I had it.

Why is this important? Because when you are learning something new, you can take a giant leap toward the results you want simply by modeling the thinking, actions and lifestyle of someone who is successful.

If you are trying to learn a new skill, one of the quickest ways to change is to model someone successful. Here are a few tips:
- Pay attention to their success habits (what they do every day.)
- What are their belief systems?
- How do they spend their time and energy?
- How do they solve problems?
- Who do they spend time with?
- What strategies did they use to get where they are today?
- What kind of education/training do they have?
- Who are their mentors?

The important thing when you model someones success habits is to take what works and leave the rest. Remember, nobody is perfect! However, there is a lot to learn out there in the world of entrepreneurism – and it is a long road if you do it alone.

Who will be your model of success?


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