What Starbuck's Founder Knew That We Can Learn From...
First of all, I know the blog has been "barren" for a while. I've had massive problems getting posts up on the blog. Hopefully, all is well now.
Secondly, I recently watched an excellent show called American Made on CNBC. The show highlights "American Made" entrepreneurs by interviewing them in their day-to-day environment.
This week the show highlighted Howard Schultz, founder of Starbuck's Coffee Company. It is an interesting look into the mind of an entrepreneur who is just like many of us -- but how a few key things turned him into a billion-dollar business.
One interesting story is how Schultz over came obstacles. Early on his company struggled financially and with a pregnant wife at home, his life was very overwhelming. His father-in-law took him on "a walk" to try and talk some sense into Schultz to get a real job. (A story I can totally relate to.) Schultz stuck with it and of course, the rest is history.
Schultz said, "Everyone has bad times. It is persistence that pays off."
How many times have you wanted to give up because the going got tough? Persistence pays!
Another key point is that they have the lowest marketing budget of any major company in America. Most of their success has come from two key factors: brand awareness and word of mouth. The Starbuck's brand is so successful that even new stores in Arab and Asian countries thrive by keeping the exact logo, look and feel of American stores.
Check out the replay of the interviews on Thursday at 5pm or 10 pm or Sunday (same times.) The first play of each show is on Monday night at 5pm or 10 pm.
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