How Do I Accomplish it All? Six Insightful Lessons from my Mastermind Retreat
My mastermind team: James Malinchak (collegespeakingsuccess.com), me, Liora Mendeloff (virtualbooktourgal.com), Adam Urbanski (themarketingmentor.com)
These six lessons I am sharing come from the process of presenting our huge visions to make a difference in the world, and the challenges and processes we go through to live our dreams. So here goes…
Lesson #1. Commit to Playing a Big Game. If you have a big vision, you must have a big game. This means if you want to have a million dollar a year business, you have to act like a million dollar a year business owner. If you are still doing your own administrative tasks, programming your html-based e-zine, or spending hours finding the cheapest long distance service – you are not playing a big game. Be willing to take a risk, jump in (with a plan of course) and break ahead in your game today!
Suggestions: First, hire a Virtual Assistant, intern, part-time contractor or your retired neighbor to help you. Whatever it takes, you have to start acting “as-if” you run a million $$ business. Second, your services, image, programs, and marketing materials must reflect a high-end game – or your client base will reflect that.
Lesson #2. Pay Attention to What Shows Up. This is a tough one. If you are not generating the revenue you want, if you are confused or overwhelmed, or you are not having fun – there is a reason. What shows up in your world is a reflection of who you are. If you want to have different results, you must be willing to put something new in. The old adage “what goes in must come out” is true.
Suggestions: Are you feeding your mind things like “I'll never get caught up” or “I'm always broke” or “I don't know what I'm doing?” What is your belief that creates these messages? I guarantee you that this thought pattern is helping you attract more of this very thing…trust me on this one. If you want to change it, change your thinking.
Lesson #3. Clean Up Your Act. Are you someone who is constantly late? Behind on your commitments? Do you say you will do something then weeks later realize you never followed up? This is the “Over-Promise and Under-Perform” syndrome. And it is VERY unattractive to powerful alliances, clients and friends.
Suggestions: Find out what is causing you to do this and handle it. It may be that you don't know how to say no (I have worked with clients who learn how to fix this in two sessions – and their profits soared.) It may be that you have unrealistic expectations of how much time it takes to get things done. Whatever it is, it can be resolved and you, your clients, and your co-workers will be much happier when you do!
Lesson #4. Focus Your Energy. I admit, like any visionary with creative tendencies, I take on too much. When I shared with the group what I was up to, their mouths dropped and they laughed at me. Why? Because not only do I believe I am super-human, love what I do, and want to save the world before I am 40 – I try to be everything to everybody. Can you relate to this one?
Suggestions: Stop it! Look at the top 3 things you do well and are most passionate about, and focus on it 100%. Align with others who can support you, hire support, and let go of the rest. This will help you have more freedom in your life for what matters most.
Lesson #5. Be Willing to Tell the Truth. One of the hardest things to do is tell the truth in a tactful way – especially if you think you will hurt someone's feelings. (And it can be even harder if you are not telling yourself the truth!) Our minds are very adept at “hiding out” when our comfort zone is being stretched. What happens when you don't? Overwhelm, anxiety, stress, and shut down.
Suggestions: Know that it's OK and take some time to get quiet. I believe that we always know the answer but often times it gets buried in the layers of expectations, obligations and misplaced loyalties. But when you can learn to tell the truth with compassion and clarity, your life will open up to greater possibilities.
Lesson #6. Who's a Workaholic? One of the biggest realizations a few of us shared was how much of our life is wrapped up in being a successful business owner. Because we love what we do we could do it non-stop. But is that healthy? – not really. And are we living the rich, abundant and amazing lives that we deserve? – truth be told, probably not. What drives us to succeed is part of our gift to the world. But deep inside is a need to prove ourselves, a need to be accepted as a powerful, successful person.
Suggestions: Implement the tools and support to create balance. If you are working every day, challenge yourself to create a sacred “do not work” zone in your calendar. When you give more down-time to yourself, you actually have more time and energy to get things done.
In summary, each of the people on our team have an insatiable desire to make a difference, and exude passion and commitment to personal mastery. That is why we are attracted to each other as a Mastermind team.
I hope that at least one of these powerful insights will help you create more freedom in your life. I challenge you to take one of these ideas and implement a solution over the next 30 days. I'd love to hear your success with it!
© 2005-2006 Melanie Benson Strick, Success Connections. All rights reserved.
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Brainstorming and planning.

James M in the "hot seat" where we drilled him on his plans and ideas.
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