Wednesday, April 04, 2007

More Billionaire Bootcamp A-Ha's

I've just had so many opportunities to change my thinking and uplevel my standards since the Billionaire Bootcamp in Hawaii. It's actually been a lot of fun to share these learnings with my team and my clients. Here is another a-ha that has really been quite powerful for me.

One of the exercises we did was to research five billionaires on how they think, make decisions, what their habits are, etc. It's called Performance Modeling. It's a technique I've used for years with my coaching clients and doing this for myself was quite valuable.

After completing the modeling exercise, I realized that in order to grow my own business to the next level, I had to be willing to incorporate some values and beliefs of one of the billionaires that I have least resonated with -- Donald Trump. What I realized is that many billionaires share the same values but how they pursue them can be different.

The five billionaires I modeled are:

Donald Trump
Oprah Winfrey
Bill Gates
Richard Branson
Warren Buffett

Then I wrote out an index card with the 3 personal values/beliefs I am incorporating into my life.
Negotiate for win-win outcomes -- Donald Trumps value was negotiate to win. I believe that I could increase my profitability, revenues and accomplishments if I always negotiate to win-win outcomes. Sometimes I give up and feel as if I lost because I don't want to offend or push. It hit me like a ton of bricks that if it doesn't serve me, it will never ultimately serve the other person either.

Run a tight ship -- if the ship (aka my company) has a leak, it will be poisonous to me, my team and ultimately my clients. I asked my team if they would all agree to help me tighten the ship. That means new systems, keeping our word for on-time deliverables, addressing problems head on with better strategies immediately, etc.

Be tough -- sometimes I go for being nice over being strong. I know many females have the same challenge. I'm being honest here when I say that I realized sometimes I'm not tough enough and I end up forgoing opportunities that seem like to much of a hassle. I decided I'm willing to "toughen up" a bit and play the game with a bit more stamina. What could it hurt? =-)

I also have a personal value that I established as a new standard for my team -- Four Seasons Excellence. We've always had a commitment to excellence. However, if I set the bar higher at "Four Seasons Excellence" then we have a standard of consistent, client-focused excellence. If you've ever been to a Four Seasons Resort, you know what I mean here.

My coaches and my staff have all been very excited about these new standards. It's like I brought a Vitamin B shot to the team and we've all become even more inspired to take action! Imagine what could happen in your business if you incorporated this kind of cutting-edge technique into your life? If you are interested, check out some of our coaching programs at

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At 10:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an internet Marketing seminar going on in Detroit, Michigan from March 28-30th, 2008 with top Internet Marketers. check out the site


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