Thursday, October 06, 2005

"10 Calendar Tips of Successful Multi-taskers"
by Marcia Ramsland, author of Simplify Your Life: Get Organized and Stay that Way!

Everyone has a calendar but not every one uses their time to get everything done. Successful multi-taskers keep their calendar very organized and focused.

A successful use of a monthly calendar is the difference in either using it just to deposit your appointments, or using it as the foundation of having time to do the things you need and want to do. It is the most important tool you use everyday.

Cherish your time by treating your personal calendar as a prized possession. Keep your calendar with you at all times. Having your appointments, meeting plans, and phone numbers close by will help you successfully manage any changes that come up.

Are you spending your time exactly as you'd like to? The detailed way you use your calendar is the key to a successful lifestyle, so remember to:
1. Keep one monthly calendar to keep everything in one place.
2. Pencil in all appointments and potential events coming up.
3. Write down all your appointments in one or two words.
4. Include the beginning and ending times so you can see how much you committed.
5. Diagonally cross off passed date boxes while reflecting if it was time well spent.
6. RSVP to all personal or business invitations as a courtesy.
7. Offer two alternative times when rescheduling an event.
8. List three Goals (Priorities) for the month in the top margin to stay focused on personal milestones beyond your daily appointments.
9. Count how many nights out you scheduled and can stay balanced - usually no more than four out per week.
10. Track personal improvement goals (like financial savings or exercise progress) in the margin so you can also grow personally.

One Life, One Calendar
There are only twenty-four hours in anyone’s day, and you don’t need to add to your stress by feeling fragmented and having things fall through the cracks. Your calendar-- a single calendar should reflect a balanced and satisfying life for you. You can start that journey by consolidating your activities through living your life off one calendar.

Learn from Your Patterns
Your calendar contains many clues. If the early part of your week goes well but you are frustrated by the end of the week, look at your schedule from prior weeks and determine if you can detect a pattern. Seeing what a "good day" looks like on that week day will help you improve the way you schedule things. Successful multi-taskers are always asking, "What worked today? and How can I improve my schedule?" Keep at it and you will succeed.


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