Michael Gerber's In the Dreaming Room
This last weekend I attended an event with Michael Gerber, author of the E-Myth Revisited. The event is a huge departure from his past ventures of teaching entrepreneurs to systemize and automate their businesses but let me explain why...
A few months ago when my friend Mitch Meyerson and I interviewed Gerber on the "In The Dreaming Room" concept. The interview (which you can access at www.successconnections.com/gerber) really compelled me to rethink my own vision so I signed up for his 2 1/2 day event.

The appeal for me was the focus of "Dreaming" based on Walt Disney's "Dreaming Room" concept. The idea is that to truly create a world of meaning AND profit, we must connect with our most authentic and truthful vision of real success. And most of the time, the current vision we have been creating is just a smoke screen -- something we created based on a limited understanding of who we really are in this world.
So here is my personal experience of the workshop.
- I met some awesome people.
- Being with business owners who study and implement Gerber's E-Myth model really opened my eyes to a whole new dimension of possiblities.
- My"hot seat" really got me thinking. I was one of the first people to get a hot seat so I had the disadvantage of not really having 2 days of watching others. I shared my vision for wanting to build an entrepreneurial education system for young adults. Gerber challenged me to really think through my business model. Then he went into coaching mode and completely lost me. Not sure I liked that part (nor did most of the people there) but the overall experience was worth every uncomfortable moment. =-)
Labels: E-Myth, Michael Gerber, vision
I attended the Dreaming Room in London in October 2006 and it was fascinating.
I described myself then an still do as a "frustrated entrepreneur".
But Michael Gerber did open my eyes to why I didn't have the passion to create my great business and that is half the battle. My logical mind was kicking in too early and stopping my emotional mind from dreaming.
I attended the June 27-29 (2008)conference in London. In short, the worst-organized conference I have ever been to, but still a valuable conference. Don't waste your money on a Hot Seat. For an extra $2,000 each person got 10-20 minutes with Michael (they say they are limited, but there were about 20 Hot Seats).
No schedule was given (it took 2 calls to a call center and 2 emails before I was given a number to call at a specific time to get the schedule), no receipt provided, no food provided during the Friday 5-10pm session, no coffee in the mornings.
Having said all that, a valuable weekend that really makes you think. A shame that soemone who is supposed to be the guru of processes would have such a poorly run conference, it makes you question whether or not the whole E-Myth process works (this was the 39th time doing it, the kinks should be worked out by now!).
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