Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Why Successful People Have A Coach

It is a Monday at 8:15 am and I'm half way through my workout. My personal fitness coach, Matt, is kicking my butt (again.) I've just stepped onto a machine that I hate -- it's a pull up machine. Matt is standing next to me saying, "Come on, you can do it. Breathe Melanie, breathe!" Every time Matt putts this machine in my workout I grumble because it is hard, uncomfortable and totally infuriating.

But as I laid down on the mat for another round of abdominal crunches, it dawned on me...my coaches are the reason I accomplish such huge results in my life. I have a coach for my mind and a coach for my body. Both of them challenge me to do and be more than I ever would for myself.

Today, Matt gave me a reward. We did my measurements and body fat. In the last 30 days I've lost 2 lbs of body fat and gone down more than an inch in my waist (that's good progress for me!)

I was ecstatic and pumped so I jumped on the elliptical machine for another 20 minutes of cardio. When we feel like we are accomplishing results, we naturally want to do more!

Why am I telling you this?

Because this is why successful people hire coaches. Coaches challenge you to do more, work harder and accomplish greater results than you ever could on your own.

Now, I'm not someone who likes to work out but the benefits are tremendous. Left to my own devices, I may muster up the stamina for a 15 minute walk around my neighborhood. With my fitness coach, I have accountability, focus and the drive I need to truly accomplish my desired results. With my personal coach, I work on blind spots, challenges and obstacles that I might just as soon not address.

The combined results -- I have more energy and stamina. I am focused and clear on my high payoff activities. I accomplish major results in my life and my business.

On the days I don't want to exercise are the days I'm most grateful for my fitness coach. These are the days I really don't feel like doing what is best for my body. I'd rather cozy up to my computer and just work my buns off all day. But when you have accountability to someone else, you show up, you do the work, and you reap the rewards!

I've also noticed that I will accomplish more with my coach's challenge than I would do on my own. It's quite easy to fall into a comfort trap -- doing just enough to get by. But with my coach challenging me to do a few extra repetitions and pile on another 5 lbs, I catapult my results forward.

One more thing. There have been months that I felt like I couldn't afford my fitness coach (I also have a personal coach too.) In the beginning it was a HUGE stretch to commit to a big monthly "expense." I realized that successful people hire coaches to challenge them to accomplish more. It is not an expense -- it is an investment in my health, sanity and desired results. Without my coaches, I would not be able to perform at the top of my game consistently.

How about you? Do you have a coach that challenges you to achieve more? Share it in the comments.

Do you need a coach? Maybe one of our coaches will be a good fit for you. Visit www.successconnections.com for an overview of our coaching programs.

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At 4:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

melanie wrote: "..I'd rather cozy up to my computer and just work my buns off all day." Aaahhh! i can hardly believe it. Just yesterday AND the day before, i fell off my LSD runs (long slow distance). why? 'Workin'--- at my desk for 12 hours. Thanks for your post. It resonated with me today. I needed it.


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