"How Can I Play with the Big Guys....
if I feel financially challenged?"Last week
my ezine prompted the above question that I get asked all of the time. I think it is worth posting here and answering for everyone that is challenged with how to make the leap forward.
I've been reading your ezine for months and I like what you have to say, however, I'm stuck in that I'm just not able to play with the big players
because I don't have the money to go to these 3 day seminars or take the costly teleclasses or workshops or buy the expensive programs. Until I find a way to grow my business to where I am covering my monthly expenses and have some disposable income for educational purposes, do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, A"
Here is my answer:
Making the leap to the next level of success can seem elusive for many people who are still struggling to generate enough revenue. First of all let me say, "I totally understand." I've been there. I know what it feels like to struggle and think, "How can I spend this money when I can't afford to pay my bills." What I'm about to suggest may seem radical but it works.
You can't afford to have that conversation in your head.First of all, when you focus on "I can't afford" then you are focusing on what you don't have. One of the laws of the universe is:
What you focus on expands. When you focus on what you do want, a powerful attraction magnet is activated and you begin to experience new opportunities that may have been hidden before.The question you should be asking yourself is: "Who do I need to be or what do I need to do to create these opportunities RIGHT WHERE I AM TODAY!"When I was at my lowest of lows, I put my focus on what can I do to create the opportunities. I quickly realized that I had to work on my belief that I deserve success and the inner monkey chatter that spewed regularly with things like, "I can't afford that," "How come this is so hard," and my personal favorite, "Why is everyone else ahead of me!"I guarantee you that there are affordable opportunities right in front of you. What if every day you woke up excited that you were going to connect with one opportunity to "play with the big guys" today? What might you do differently?Here is a powerful truth. Most people spend money on events, products and even coaching, with the hopes that just by showing up it will transform your life. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those of us who understand that investing in our professional growth know that we do so with a strategic intention -- a plan -- of how we will leverage that investment to get at least a 10 times return.A quick story. The first time I plunked down $2,000 to attend an event across the country I did not have it. I was eye-ball deep in debt, my credit cards were close to maxed and I was barely making ends meet. My friend who invited me said, "You must be there. It will transform your life." OK, I took a deep breath, put it on my credit card, said a little prayer and clicked the purchase button on my screen. I also set an intention to walk away with at least one new client and a speaking opportunity.
At the event, a woman I was talking to in the bathroom (of all places) hired me on the spot. I ended up generating $5,000 in revenue over the course of our coaching. (Doubled my investment.) I also met people who later offered me free products ($1,000 to be exact) and other speaking and joint venture opportunities surfaced over the next 6 months.
By replacing fear with commitment to show up no matter what, little by little my business transformed to a thriving six figure company. But I had to start taking steps somewhere. I had to be strategic and establish a plan for every step. And most importantly, I am focusing on what I DO WANT.
Along the lines of starting with taking a step forward somewhere, here is a suggestion. I have a program where you receive a CD every month where I teach you the principles of mastery and you can eavesdrop on our coaching clients on these principles. Plus you have access to one of my coaches during "open call day." The first month is only $9.95 and after that, it is $57.00 per month. It also includes access to our coaching tools on the Success Forum and networking with other entrepreneurs.
So for $9.95 this month, you can start having access to people committed to playing a big game and the programs that I teach. That sounds like something you can't pass up. Demonstrate your commitment to your growth by taking one step.
You can sign up here. Or learn more about the program
on my website.
I know you can do it...now it is your turn!
To your success,
Melanie Benson Strick
The Entrepreneur's Success Coach