Sunday, April 24, 2005

5 Tips to Revolutionize Your Business

By Melanie Benson Strick. © 2004. All rights reserved.

Are you struggling to complete all of the projects on your plate? Do you feel overwhelmed and overworked? Maybe you notice yourself spinning in circles as you try to figure out what to do next. If you are like most entrepreneurs, you started your business to have control over your earning power and to spend your days the way YOU want. But now you find yourself struggling to get it all done.

Webster’s dictionary defines a revolution as:
A sudden, radical, or complete change; a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something: a change of paradigm.

If today doesn’t look the way you want, then revolutionize your business practices. This is the fastest way to make the leap into six (or seven) figure revenue while doubling your time off. Here are 5 tips to get you off the path of struggle and overwhelm and on to the path of success and freedom.

1. Let Go Of Bright, Shiny Objects.
Bright, shiny objects are projects, ideas and opportunities that are tempting you to go astray. They dance around in front of you, distracting your attention from the very projects that are your significant ROI (return on investment) goals. These can include: other people’s ideas and opportunities, short term wins (cash now at the expense of your long-term goals), projects that sound fun but ultimately drain your energy, visibility opportunities that never quite pay off, etc. If you are susceptible to bright, shiny objects, create a “mental opportunity filter” to help you distinguish between a bright, shiny object and a significant ROI.

2. Aim, Fire, Reload.
Once you know what your significant ROIs are, focus your energy on it. Aim your marketing, sales and client fulfillment tactics so they are on-track. Execute (fire) the tactics, evaluate the results, make any changes necessary, and re-execute. Many entrepreneurs “blow it” and throw the baby out with the bathwater. Just because it didn’t work right the first time doesn’t mean it isn’t a great idea. Reloading is important if you truly are focusing on your significant ROI. Don’t give up, aim, fire and reload.

3. It’s All About the Project Plan.
A project plan is the missing link for most entrepreneurs. They get a great idea and start throwing resources, time, and money at it. They have no idea what they should be doing, they just know it is a great idea and want to achieve it. Stop the madness! When you take time to set up a project plan BEFORE you leap into blind activity, you accomplish more with less effort. You will save money. And you will get the golden carrot quicker. Why? Because you will have a plan with action steps that you can complete in a sane and rational manner.

4. Get Rid of the “Yes Man” (Or Woman)
Do you ever find yourself saying yes to someone while inside there is a little voice screaming “No, No, No! What are you doing?!!! You can’t say yes to that!” I think most of us can relate to saying yes when we really want to say no. It might be we are real good at people-pleasing. Maybe we are afraid we will lose money or the respect of others if we don’t say yes. I challenge you to say no to anything that does not support your ROI. Most likely the world will not end, no one will starve, and you will still be liked. Think of it this way – when you say yes to one thing, you are saying no to something else you could spend that time on. Make sure it is worth it.

5. Out With the Old, In With the New.
Have you ever heard the saying “when one door closes, another one opens?” Take a look around you. Do your surroundings, relationships, lifestyle choice and behaviors support the vision you are creating? If not, it is time to clean house. If you have limiting beliefs, toxic situations, non-supportive relationships and environments that aren’t conducive to your new vision of success, it is time to make some positive changes. One clue is to notice what frustrates you repeatedly. Create a “frustrations list.” Then, turn each frustration into an action plan to handle it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pictures from Mark Victor Hansen's Mega Book Expo

Another special friend who I had not seen in months Liora Mendeloff. She is Alex Mendossian's "content manager" and is lauching something called virtual book tours. Hmmm. sounds cool, huh? Posted by Hello

Sean Roach (if you ever want to know how to make something happen, this is THE guy to know.) Posted by Hello

Sandy Grayson just released a book called Journalution. I met her because she just "happened" to be having dinner with a dear friend who I hadn't seen in years. Let me tell you, there were plenty of "coincidences" there! Posted by Hello

Randy Gilbert of the Inside Success Show. Randy interviewed me a while back...we both agreed it is time for another one! Posted by Hello

Mitch Meyerson, author of Guerilla marketing, who will soon be one of our JV partners for Unstoppable Goals. He is releasing a book on Internet Marketing...I'll share more details soon. Posted by Hello

Again, Segovia with the ladies... Posted by Hello

Lorrie (another of my mastermind partners), James Malinchak (The College Speaker) and me Posted by Hello

Alex Mendossian (one of the worlds greatest internet marketers) and I tried 3 times to get this picture right. We gave up and figured my camera just had way too much flash ..=-) He will also be one of the speakers at the Small Biz Marketing Summit in May. Posted by Hello

Adam Urbanksi ( and one of my mastermind partners. Posted by Hello

me, Eric Blank (the Unattorney Attorney) and Lorrie ( Posted by Hello

Debbie Allen (author of Shameless Self Promotion) and me. She has been my guest speaker at Shared Vision. Posted by Hello

Ali Brown (Ezine, me, Segovia, Lorrie Morgan Ferrero ( Why is Segovia always in pictures with the girls? Posted by Hello

Lynn Rose, she sang a few times on stage at the event, and has such a passion for life. Posted by Hello

Me and Segovia Smith - the Ultimate Shameless Self Promoter Posted by Hello

What I Learned from Mark Victor Hansen's Mega Book Expo

This last weekend I spent 3 days with over 600 people and some very famous authors in Los Angeles. The funny thing was, I almost didn't go. But what I realized is that everytime I attend an event like this my life expands exponentially.

In addition to some great pictures (see below), here are my top 5 tips for attracting "mega success:"

1. It really does matter who you surround yourself with. MVH always says "you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most." I agree. Three years ago I didn't even know any of these people. Last weekend I rubbed elbows with people like Jack Canfield, David Bach and MVH himself. When you surround yourself with big thinkers, you will think big too.

2. Be clear about your desired outcomes. I went to this event to attract new clients to my Mastery of Success Mentoring program, invite people to the Shared Vision Network luncheon in L.A., and to have fun. I left with the title of my upcoming book, a contact who will help me write it, 2 new clients, a new JV partner for the Unstoppable Goals Method teleclasses, and loads of new friends.

3. Be a magnet of success. I am very clear that a big part of my success at these events is that my mind and my body emanate success. I dress well, I smile a lot, and I make people feel good. They want to know me because I'm emanating what they want.

4. Add value first. Being someone who runs a professional organization for entrepreneurs, I always say, develop lifetime value contacts. At events like this I am always looking to help someone else out -- solve problems, open doors to a contact they need, provide a resource, etc. At this event, it just so happened that one of the speakers (and one of my best friends) had her car stolen the morning the event started. She was very overwhelmed and had to replace a lot of the stuff she needed for the event. It was just a natural reflex to help her plan out how to get everything back -- and just be there for her.

5. Get to know others. I mean really, truly, get to know them. Ask someone out for dinner or breakfast. Sit with people you don't know. Be curious about who they are and what they do. 90% of the "big wins" I've had in my business came from a contact I met at an event like this. One of my book deals even came from a big event like this.

The bottom line is it pays to invest in these types of conferences. Every single person I met raved about the huge payoffs they received. Every wealthy entrepreneur I know invests between $5 and $20k every year in education and seminars. Learn from the masters...

As a matter of fact...we've got another opportunity right around the corner in Irvine, CA, May 20 - 22 at the Small Business Marketing Summit. I'll be among 10 other really powerful speakers who will teach us how to take our businesses to the next level. And I've got some really great opportunities for you too....

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Power of Leverage

Today I had the best experience of leveraging the power of other people. You see my mastermind buddy and neighbor, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of, turned me on to the perfect solution to a problem I've had for months.

I've literally been suffering from copy & print trauma since early 2004.

I tried Kinkos, Staples, and much to my frustration, I ran into quality issues, missed deadlines on orders and complete screw ups. It was a waste of my time and a real problem for our business when we launched the Unstoppable Goals Method.

Then one day last week Lorrie found THE PRINTER! Not only did they have a quality guarantee, provide a really good discount, but they pick up AND deliver.

It was the best day I've had in weeks - I had a problem that I didn't have to solve on my own. My associate shared a great resource and we both profited from it (he was so happy with her he gave her an even better discount and we have a great resource for all of the information products we produce for our clients.)

That is the power of leverage. If you have not yet aligned yourself with a group of associates who can share resources, tips, ideas and tools, it is the best success strategy you can invest in right now.

One way to instantly gain access to a six-figure rolodex of entrepreneurs is through the Mastery of Success Mentoring Program. To find out if you qualify to join this mastermind of top-notch business owners starting in May, visit

But don't delay, there are limited spots for this in-demand program -- and you want to be one of them!

To your success,


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Are you an Opportunity Addict?


Have you ever noticed that you have way more opportunities than you can ever take advantage of? Maybe you can relate to the idea of being an “opportunity addict?”

An opportunity addict is someone who is “addicted” to the rush of all of the great ideas in their head…but often they find they never accomplish anything they start.

There’s hope! Check out my article here. I'll share with you some of my coaching tips on how to get focused on real, money-making opportunities now!

The much awaited Mastery of Success Entrepreneur’s Mentoring Program is taking applications for the May program. If you are positioned to make six-figures this year and are ready to “play big” but find that you constantly get overwhelmed and stuck, this program is for you. Don’t walk, RUN to your mouse and get your spot saved. Six months from now when you have doubled your income, doubled your time off, and tripled your sanity – you will be thankful!

I’m gearing up for Mark Victor Hansen’s Mega Book Expo in Los Angeles Apr 15- 17. My gal pals are speaking (I opted not to speak but to just enjoy a conference for a change.) There is quite the party for guests of Ali Brown or Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero (if you want to know how to go there is still time (email me at for the details.)

See you on the blog again soon!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Let the Blogging Begin!

Hi there! Well I've finally moved to the world of blogging. All of my friends are doing it -- so I figured I better get one started. It took me all of about 5 minutes. Then, as I loaded all of these fun pix from the Bunnyslipper Business Bootcamp in early March where I presented, I blew up my blogger!

That's right, I got myself blacklisted for loading too many pictures. Oh well. I learned my lesson.

Stay tuned, we will be using this blog to shared information, post articles and tips, as well as have fun on our road to entrepreneurial freedom.

Enjoy the pix -- everyone's been asking to see the pix from the PJ Networking party.

to your success,


The Big Guy and Tom Antion (Butt Camp) Posted by Hello

I'm sharing the "Keys to Building Lifetime-Value Contacts." Want to know? Visit us at SVN LA or on the SVN Networking Forum in Sept. Posted by Hello

Kelly O'Neil (she'll be hosting me this summer) Posted by Hello

Jim Bunch of Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Game Posted by Hello

The SVN gang and some members Posted by Hello

Ian Rich (and what's up with my grin?) Posted by Hello

The Red-Hot bunny Posted by Hello

Me, Ali Brown & Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero Posted by Hello

The co-founders of Shared Vision Network, Ken & Judy Foster Posted by Hello

The "bunny", Barbara Drzaga and me at our PJ Networking Party Posted by Hello