The Small Biz Marketing Summit Rocked!
Well, I've done it again. For the 3rd year in a row I've presented at a conference on my birthday (yes, I turned 21 -- AGAIN!) This time my good friend Adam Urbanski & his wife Bo had a really fun party for me at the Small Business Marketing Summit. (See pix below.)
Not only did every trainer there completely over-deliver, but every person I talked to said they were ready to register for the 2006 summit today! I had a double-header with Friday nite as the "networking facilitator" and Sunday hosting a 2 1/2 hour "turn your overhwhelm into profit" planning session.
I know one of the things that made this event so special was the caliber of people. Many of my clients (and new members of my exclusive mentoring program) told me that they had new opportunties dropping in their lap, made new friends, and learned things that will completely transform the way they create wealth!
A big theme for the weekend (besides my birthday) was focus. Every presenter in their own way shared how getting focused is the e-ticket to leaving behind debt, overwhelm and frustration for feeling powerful, making TONS more $$, and enjoying the freedom they truly desire.
In the midst of all these great ideas, the audience really got that in order to master success, you must be selective about what you take on as a new project, idea or goal.
If you missed out, I highly recommend getting copies of the audio -- let me tell you my session alone is worth it! You can order here at:
It is events like this that I have to reflect back on my life and realize that I have truly wonderful friends, clients and a network of people who love and support me. All weekend long there was a buzz of "what is this group -- Shared Vision Network?" So many people wanted to join the group just because they saw how powerful the camraderie, support and network was!
To your success,