Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Small Biz Marketing Summit Rocked!

Well, I've done it again. For the 3rd year in a row I've presented at a conference on my birthday (yes, I turned 21 -- AGAIN!) This time my good friend Adam Urbanski & his wife Bo had a really fun party for me at the Small Business Marketing Summit. (See pix below.)

Not only did every trainer there completely over-deliver, but every person I talked to said they were ready to register for the 2006 summit today! I had a double-header with Friday nite as the "networking facilitator" and Sunday hosting a 2 1/2 hour "turn your overhwhelm into profit" planning session.

I know one of the things that made this event so special was the caliber of people. Many of my clients (and new members of my exclusive mentoring program) told me that they had new opportunties dropping in their lap, made new friends, and learned things that will completely transform the way they create wealth!

A big theme for the weekend (besides my birthday) was focus. Every presenter in their own way shared how getting focused is the e-ticket to leaving behind debt, overwhelm and frustration for feeling powerful, making TONS more $$, and enjoying the freedom they truly desire.

In the midst of all these great ideas, the audience really got that in order to master success, you must be selective about what you take on as a new project, idea or goal.

If you missed out, I highly recommend getting copies of the audio -- let me tell you my session alone is worth it! You can order here at:

It is events like this that I have to reflect back on my life and realize that I have truly wonderful friends, clients and a network of people who love and support me. All weekend long there was a buzz of "what is this group -- Shared Vision Network?" So many people wanted to join the group just because they saw how powerful the camraderie, support and network was!

To your success,


Shared Vision Network was at the SBMS in full force! Posted by Hello

Therese Skelly (Phoenix Shared Vision Network Director), Ray DuGray and Maria Ngo (Las Vegas Shared Vision Network Directors)www.sharedvisionnetwork.com Posted by Hello

Lovin' on Adam is his wife, Lo, Michele Parizi (she just joined my mentoring program), me and Gail -- Mark Widawer of keywordturbocharger.com is hanging in the back Posted by Hello

Me, Mitch Carson (impactproducts.net) and "direct marketing expert" to the likes of Dan Kennedy & John Rooney (accelerateonline.net) who is an awesome website developer Posted by Hello

Audrey Hagen of platinumva.com. She is the queen of event management! Posted by Hello

My bday cake - they were very sweet and just put 3 candles on the cake! Posted by Hello

The hosts of my great birthday bash & the Small BIz Marketing Summit (Adam & Bo Urbanski) Posted by Hello

Renee & Jim Connolly, teamcuisine.com (also my clients and awesome gourmet chefs!) Posted by Hello

Alex Mendossian & I have a contest - how many pix can he take with his eyes closed (this was # 7) Posted by Hello

James Roche, infoproductsguy.com -- everyone at the event went crazy for his quick-turn idea to infoproduct program! Posted by Hello

Bob Cotto, wethepeoplela.com -- one of my awesome clients! Posted by Hello

Peter Montoya, author of "The Brand Called You" Posted by Hello

Again it's Ali, myself, Lorrie & Amee (we really had a lot of fun together!) Posted by Hello

Russell Feingold, myself and Christen Mickelsen (smallbizu.com) Posted by Hello

Here's me, Lo, Amee and Ali - "the gals" Posted by Hello

The Small Biz Marketing Summit Speakers: (from left) James Malinchak, Ali Brown, Amy & Alex Mendossian, Bo & Adam Urbanski, John Ferrero, Dr. Mike Woo, Mitch Carter, me and Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Loral Langemeier, author of Guerilla Wealth and myself at the Shared Vision Network luncheon last Tuesday. Posted by Hello

Are you Planning for Wealth?

Last Tuesday, Loral Langemeier, one of my all time favorite speakers, was a presenter at the Shared Vision Network luncheon. (This is a professional organization for entrepreneurs that I run which attracts a lot of very high-powered, wealth-building people.)

Why is Loral one of my favorite speakers? Because she has mastered the game of wealth. Here are a few tips she suggested:

1. Know where you are today. If you don't know exactly where you are then you don't know how to get to wealth.

2. Create the proper foundation for wealth. You must have the "inner game" of wealth to create the "outer game" of wealth. This includes having the beliefs and attitudes that you CAN create wealth.

3. Install proper wealth structures in your business. If you are a self-employed person that is not in an LLC or Incorporated, you are not ready to make more money. The government will basically take everything you earn. Also, you must have QuickBooks or another type of busienss accounting software.

4. Have a plan for real wealth. Not only do you need to be realistic with your plan, but you need to be diversified.

5. Know your "wealth date." What is the day that you will achieve your desired wealth.

Does any of this sound familiar? On many levels, this is what I teach people in the Unstoppable Goals Method - how to set and achieve goals, creating a vision of the ideal lifestyle, and ensuring the beliefs and success habits are in place to support the goal.

Go get that Wealth Plan!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Model Successful People to Leap Forward in your Success

I’ve been learning a lot of new skills lately and there is one thing that I’ve realized. I learn by watching people “do their thing.” Now a lot of people might learn from books, or listening to instructions, or maybe they can break down all the steps in their head if they see the end result. Not me, I have to watch and model someone else’s behavior.

Last week my friend Liora and I went to salsa lessons. Now Liora is a seasoned salsa dancer and I’m on my second lesson. The room is jam-packed (probably 50 people) and our instructor is about 5 feet tall with no microphone. As we partner up with someone to practice the steps, I’m realizing that I get through the first couple of moves OK but there is a complicated turn that I completely blow each time. So time and again my partner tries to lead me through the turn and each time I lose my footing.

I finally took a time out to watch the female instructor – so I could model her foot steps. I watched where she placed her feet, how her body was positioned with her partner, and the timing of each step as she moved through the turn. As I practiced the turn again – voila! I had it.

Why is this important? Because when you are learning something new, you can take a giant leap toward the results you want simply by modeling the thinking, actions and lifestyle of someone who is successful.

If you are trying to learn a new skill, one of the quickest ways to change is to model someone successful. Here are a few tips:
- Pay attention to their success habits (what they do every day.)
- What are their belief systems?
- How do they spend their time and energy?
- How do they solve problems?
- Who do they spend time with?
- What strategies did they use to get where they are today?
- What kind of education/training do they have?
- Who are their mentors?

The important thing when you model someones success habits is to take what works and leave the rest. Remember, nobody is perfect! However, there is a lot to learn out there in the world of entrepreneurism – and it is a long road if you do it alone.

Who will be your model of success?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Do you have a Support Team -- or a Sabotage Team?

Last Monday I was in Phoenix presenting to the Phoenix Shared Vision Network organization. I was honored to have my father, who lives in Phoenix, be there to support me. During my presentation, I shared with the audience about a time when I struggled to make event $1000/month. I was scared, overwhelmed and sickened by the thought that I might have to go out and get a J.O.B. again. Ugh!

One of the things that kept me going was my support team. My dad was one of the people who told me every day that he believed in me. I believe I've been one of the fortunate ones -- I'm surrounded by people who every day help me see new possibilities, talk me out of my "stuff" when I'm having a down day, and are there to co-create the dreams I've always believed in.

I've coached clients who have not been so lucky. When you are an entrepreneur and everyone around you is employed, it can be a long, lonely road to success. One of my client's is married to someone who would often chide her for being excited about a new project, or make her feel bad when she "blew too much cash" on her business. Her friends kept asking her when she was going to get a real job. Every step forward was sabotaged by her lack of support.

The turning point for her was when she started spending more time with people who believed in her and shared her entrepreneurial passion. Within 3 months she had given herself a 45% raise, attracted more clients than she could handle, and refocused her business on her real passion.

So what can you do to create a strong support team?

  1. Create a mastermind group. A mastermind group is 5 - 7 people who come together to play big, expand their comfort zone, and support each other in greater levels of success. Read more about masterminding at http://www.successconnections.com/newsletter/may05.htm.
  2. Collaborate only with supporters. You don't have to play with people that you don't like, don't believe in, and who don't make you feel good. Collaboration is meant to expand your possibilities -- be selective about who you share your ideas with.
  3. Share your vision. When you allow others into your vision of success, many will be so moved and inspired that they will want to join you. Powerful people attract other powerful people.
  4. Be willing to invite others in. If you are someone who tends to do everything alone, you won't get much support. Seek other people of like-mindedness who will support you.
  5. Communicate your needs. People often want to help but don't know how. When you clearly communicate how someone can help you achieve your dreams and goals, your supporters will know how to get involved.

When you are a entrereneurial leader, you need support. The more support you have, the higher you can fly. Remember the song Wind Beneath My Wings? Well, its time for you to create your wind.

Join me on May 17th when I interview one of the people on my support team -- my mentor and friend, Stephanie Frank -- as a part of my VIP mentoring program. She is the author of the Accidental Millionaire. Be my "eavesdropping guest" by registering here.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Six Experts Share Their Insider Secrets, Hot Tips and Aha Moments from Past Seminar Successes

JUST ADDED – What do Alexandria Brown, Adam Urbanski, James Roche, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, James Malinchak and me – Melanie Benson Strick – know about attending seminars? Don’t look at the price to get in because you can actually MAKE money by coming! Every one of us has done it time and time again (Why do you think we’re such seminar junkies? It’s all about the ka-ching!) Well, for the first time ever we’re spilling the beans in the Small Biz Marketing Summit Behind Closed Doors session. But only IF you sign up here http://www.successconnections.com/smallbizsummit for the event in Irvine, CA May 20 - 22.

Each and every once of us has had a business turn-around opportunity at events like this. We want to share with you our insider secrets and help you strategize your very own breakthrough opportunity!

One of my greatest pay-offs was learning to network with the other speakers. At an event last Summer, I met someone who later invited me to co-author a book. 90 days later we had a co-authored book! Less than one year later, a publisher picked us up and I'm proud to say that we will be in bookstores everywhere within 3 - 6 months. Be sure to ask your local Barnes & Nobel for a copy of Visionary Women Inspiring the World. If you just can't wait, you can get your very own autographed copy at http://www.successconnections.com/visionary_women.html

How is that for a signicant ROI on a seminar! What success story do you want to tell in 6 months?

To your success,

Melanie Benson Strick
The Entrepreneur's Success Coach

See you there!