Thursday, February 23, 2006

Subject: Stop AOL's attack on the Internet

AOL is threatening the Internet as we know it.

They want to charge an "email tax" for sending email. Those who don't pay would risk their emails not being delivered.

Can you help change AOL's mind by signing this emergency petition?

Click Here

The very existence of online civic participation and the free Internet as we know it are under attack by America Online. AOL recently announced what amounts to an "email tax." Under this pay-to-send system, large emailers willing to pay an "email tax" can bypass spam filters and get guaranteed access to people's inboxes—with their messages having a preferential high-priority designation.

Charities, small businesses, civic organizing groups, and even families with mailing lists will inevitably be left with inferior Internet service unless they are willing to pay the "email tax" to AOL. We need to stop AOL immediately so other email hosts know that following AOL's lead would be a mistake.

If you believe that AOL is going to far, sign this emergency petition to America Online and forward it to your friends?Sign here:

Petition statement: "AOL, don't auction off preferential access to people's inboxes to giant emailers, while leaving people's friends, families, and favorite causes wondering if their emails are being delivered at all. The Internet is a force for democracy and economic innovation only because it is open to all Internet users equally—we must not let it become an unlevel playing field."

Sign here:

AOL is one of the biggest email hosts in the world—if we stop them from unleashing this threat to the Internet, others will know not to try it. Everyone who signs this petition will be sent information on how to contact AOL directly, as well as future steps that can be taken until AOL drops its new "email tax" policy. AOL's proposed pay-to-send system is the first step down the slippery slope toward dividing the Internet into two classes of users—those who get preferential treatment and those who are left behind.

AOL pretends nothing would change for senders who don't pay, but that's not reality. The moment AOL switches to a world where giant emailers pay for preferential treatment, AOL faces this internal choice: spend money to keep spam filters up-to-date so legitimate email isn't identified as spam, or make money by neglecting their spam filters and pushing more senders to pay for guaranteed delivery. Which do you think they'll choose? If AOL has its way, the big loser will be regular email users—whose email from friends, family, and favorite causes will increasingly go undelivered and disappear into the black hole of a neglected spam filter. Another loser will be democracy and economic innovation on the Internet—where small ideas become big ideas specifically because regular people can spread ideas freely on a level playing field.
If an "email tax" existed when MoveOn began, we never would have gotten off the ground—indeed, AOL's proposal will hurt every membership group, regardless of political affiliation. That's why groups all across the political spectrum are joining together with charities, non-profits, small businesses, labor unions, and Internet watchdog groups in opposition to AOL's "email tax."

The Dollars and Sense Behind Selling from the Platform
by David Newman and Steven Rowell

** NOTE FROM MELANIE ** Because so many of my clients are building a speaking business around there products and services, I thought this article might be interesting. I'll be one of the speakers at their Book Camp, April 9 - 12 in Orlando, FL. Be sure to register for the teleclass preview series where all the experts will be dishing their knowledge!

Because you share a common (and incorrect) belief that “selling from the platform” is cheesy, unprofessional, and pushy, you may be leaving HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars in revenue on the table!

Here's some news: you rightfully deserve this money for bringing your expertise, proven strategies, great information and time-tested experience to your audience. And when you provide high quality information, people actually WANT to give you their money, because you have added real value to their lives.

What do we mean by you’re “leaving money on the table”? Let’s say you’re a moderately successful professional speaker and you keynote 50 times a year. Your average audience is 100 participants. (Yours may be much higher or even a lot lower – stick with us and we’ll show you the numbers...)

If you spoke 50 times a year to 100 people, that’s 5000 prospects. With ZERO high-pressure sales gimmicks or pushy “selling from the platform” tactics (we’ve all seen ‘em and we don’t like ‘em), you could reasonably sell 10% of your audience on some sort of follow-up package. As a point of reference, seasoned pros can close between 26-58% of any given room if they’re in front of the right audience with the right message.

Stop the tape, here, folks. Before we go on, it’s VITAL to make clear that these “seasoned pros” DO truly have great quality material, are comfortable sharing their expertise, and know how to get people to go for their wallets with the utmost in professionalism and a genuine spirit of sharing valuable information.

OK, let’s finish the math - that’s 500 people buying your package. Now, the package consists of your book, some special reports, two audio CD’s, and a pair of follow-up 1-hour consulting calls. It sells for $149.

The math on this is 500 x $149 = $74,500. Are you SURE you don’t want to learn how to sell from the platform with integrity??

And for many experts and speakers the actual numbers are 500 x $297 = $148,500. Did you know the average profit margin from these information products ranges from 52-68% depending upon your industry or target audience? Now these are numbers worthy of taking serious action!

====Steven Rowell and David Newman are co-founders of The BookCamp(tm), the only professional-grade, anti-pitchfest conference aimed at entrepreneurs, authors, and experts who want to build a booming business around their books. Download their f.ree 44-page special report loaded with more strategies, tips, and tools at Bookcamp Info.

Monday, February 20, 2006

The UPLEVEL Your Business Seminar in Los Gatos, CA
Just got back from speaking at the Uplevel Seminar. The event was targeted towards business owners who are taking their business to the next level. Here are the top 5 takeaways from my point of view:

1. Have good insurance. As a small business owner, insurance is what helps you protect what you make. It's a good thing Pirie from State Farm was there because I've been looking for some additional insurance and she was able to help me out!

2. Proper Positioning is vital to your branding and marketing strategy. One of the attendees learned that his offering is actually much bigger (think social club) than just his product.

3. The right mindset is key. After I presented the visioning and mindset segment of the event, many of the attendees stopped by to tell me that they were quite overwhelmed, had a lot of fear about moving forward, and some just felt quite stuck. This is totally normal and yet is the biggest obstacle. I steered them all towards the ULTIMATE Business Breakthrough Intensive.

4. Breakdown your Marketing Plan into 90 day goals. When you look at EVERYTHING that has to get accomplished, it can feel really big. When you see the big picture and then focus on accomplishing something in the next 90 days, it becomes much more manageable.

5. Create a team. There were many different experts there that could help the attendees on everything from insurance and tax law to copywriting and PR. To get to your desired goals faster, leverage the power of a team of experts. Prirotize the order in which your projects need to get done though or you may find yourself slipping into overwhelm!

Here are some pix from the event:

From left: Lynn Pierce, Michele PW, Marc Harty, me,
Mary Pat Sorenson and Beth Schneider -- liquid lunch time!

Marc Harty, Beth Schneider & I are ready for action!

Me teaching the keys to a successful mindset!

My good friend Leah Grant was the
first coach I ever met 5 1/2 years ago

Mary Pat, Beth & Marc.

Leah with our dinner payment - pick a card any card!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

How Do I Accomplish it All? Six Insightful Lessons from my Mastermind Retreat
My mastermind team: James Malinchak (, me, Liora Mendeloff (, Adam Urbanski (

These six lessons I am sharing come from the process of presenting our huge visions to make a difference in the world, and the challenges and processes we go through to live our dreams. So here goes…

Lesson #1. Commit to Playing a Big Game. If you have a big vision, you must have a big game. This means if you want to have a million dollar a year business, you have to act like a million dollar a year business owner. If you are still doing your own administrative tasks, programming your html-based e-zine, or spending hours finding the cheapest long distance service – you are not playing a big game. Be willing to take a risk, jump in (with a plan of course) and break ahead in your game today!

Suggestions: First, hire a Virtual Assistant, intern, part-time contractor or your retired neighbor to help you. Whatever it takes, you have to start acting “as-if” you run a million $$ business. Second, your services, image, programs, and marketing materials must reflect a high-end game – or your client base will reflect that.

Lesson #2. Pay Attention to What Shows Up. This is a tough one. If you are not generating the revenue you want, if you are confused or overwhelmed, or you are not having fun – there is a reason. What shows up in your world is a reflection of who you are. If you want to have different results, you must be willing to put something new in. The old adage “what goes in must come out” is true.

Suggestions: Are you feeding your mind things like “I'll never get caught up” or “I'm always broke” or “I don't know what I'm doing?” What is your belief that creates these messages? I guarantee you that this thought pattern is helping you attract more of this very thing…trust me on this one. If you want to change it, change your thinking.

Lesson #3. Clean Up Your Act. Are you someone who is constantly late? Behind on your commitments? Do you say you will do something then weeks later realize you never followed up? This is the “Over-Promise and Under-Perform” syndrome. And it is VERY unattractive to powerful alliances, clients and friends.

Suggestions: Find out what is causing you to do this and handle it. It may be that you don't know how to say no (I have worked with clients who learn how to fix this in two sessions – and their profits soared.) It may be that you have unrealistic expectations of how much time it takes to get things done. Whatever it is, it can be resolved and you, your clients, and your co-workers will be much happier when you do!

Lesson #4. Focus Your Energy. I admit, like any visionary with creative tendencies, I take on too much. When I shared with the group what I was up to, their mouths dropped and they laughed at me. Why? Because not only do I believe I am super-human, love what I do, and want to save the world before I am 40 – I try to be everything to everybody. Can you relate to this one?

Suggestions: Stop it! Look at the top 3 things you do well and are most passionate about, and focus on it 100%. Align with others who can support you, hire support, and let go of the rest. This will help you have more freedom in your life for what matters most.

Lesson #5. Be Willing to Tell the Truth. One of the hardest things to do is tell the truth in a tactful way – especially if you think you will hurt someone's feelings. (And it can be even harder if you are not telling yourself the truth!) Our minds are very adept at “hiding out” when our comfort zone is being stretched. What happens when you don't? Overwhelm, anxiety, stress, and shut down.

Suggestions: Know that it's OK and take some time to get quiet. I believe that we always know the answer but often times it gets buried in the layers of expectations, obligations and misplaced loyalties. But when you can learn to tell the truth with compassion and clarity, your life will open up to greater possibilities.

Lesson #6. Who's a Workaholic? One of the biggest realizations a few of us shared was how much of our life is wrapped up in being a successful business owner. Because we love what we do we could do it non-stop. But is that healthy? – not really. And are we living the rich, abundant and amazing lives that we deserve? – truth be told, probably not. What drives us to succeed is part of our gift to the world. But deep inside is a need to prove ourselves, a need to be accepted as a powerful, successful person.

Suggestions: Implement the tools and support to create balance. If you are working every day, challenge yourself to create a sacred “do not work” zone in your calendar. When you give more down-time to yourself, you actually have more time and energy to get things done.
In summary, each of the people on our team have an insatiable desire to make a difference, and exude passion and commitment to personal mastery. That is why we are attracted to each other as a Mastermind team.

I hope that at least one of these powerful insights will help you create more freedom in your life. I challenge you to take one of these ideas and implement a solution over the next 30 days. I'd love to hear your success with it!

© 2005-2006 Melanie Benson Strick, Success Connections. All rights reserved.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? That would be great as long as you include this statement with it: Melanie Benson Strick, "The Entrepreneur's Success Coach," offers keynotes speeches, mentoring, training and products designed to get people out of overwhelm and onto the success fast-track. “The 5 Massive Mistakes that can Put you Out of Business…and How to Avoid Them” is available FREE at

More Pictures:

Brainstorming and planning.

James M in the "hot seat" where we drilled him on his plans and ideas.